The Playful Path
By Lizzy Dawson for Kids Heart Pilates
Core strength is often seen as the backbone of physical development, quite literally. As early as a baby’s first kicks during pregnancy, motor skills...
If you've been following my journey for a while, you're likely aware of my fascination with the profound relationship between the sensory system and the motor system. This captivating connection...
In the field of child development, precise measurement and assessment play a pivotal role in gauging progress and tailoring interventions effectively. Although as I have learnt over the...
The question I am asked all of the time is “how do I engage a child, particularly if they aren't interested’
Engagement = learning = growth and successful outcomes for...
Everything that we do at Kids Heart Pilates is based around principles of movement that are applicable to both typical and...
Opening your own clinic sounds like a colossal leap of faith and something which many practitioners shy away from. I get it, it’s scary but my experience has shown that with proper planning...
Rebranding a business involves more than just changing a logo. It encompasses various elements such as your vibe, colours, storytelling, purpose, uniform, and marketing structure. In this blog...
Hello! As you can tell, lots has been happening over here in my world. I am so thrilled to diversify and expand with a new venture; Lizzy Dawson - The Paediatric Practitioner. This decision has...
It’s not always easy to maintain constant child engagement and participation. Quite frankly, for a young child, expecting them to maintain perfect behaviour for an entire day is unrealistic....
I have been really excited to highlight this topic over the last few weeks of shifting the focus from a person's condition or diagnosis to their development. This is a pertinent issue as we embark...